The Dolphin Democrats Announce their 2020 Election Endorsement Process
September 11, 2019
For Immediate Press Release Contact: Alfredo Overa, [email protected]
In adherence with their bylaws, in 2020 The Dolphin Democrats will be conducting a series of video-taped candidate forums, open to the public, ahead of the organization’s formal vote of endorsements, which is scheduled to take place on July 8th, 2020 in a closed session to Dolphin Democrat Voting Members only.
The schedule below outlines when each candidate to that elected office will be invited to participate in these public forums.
January 8 Forum: Sherriff & SOE
February 12 Forum: Clerk of Court & County & Municipal Offices with election in March
March 11 Forum: State Attorney
March 25 Forum: Public Defender
April 15 Forum: School Board
May 13th Forum: Judicial Forum
June 10 Forum: State & House Rep
June 26 Deadline to file for the 2020 Election
July 8 Closed Membership Meeting to Endorse the 2020 Primary Democrats
August 12 Endorsement – Municipalities Part 1 (Cities to be announced)
September 9 Endorsement – Municipalities Part 2 (Cities to be aDolphin Democrats_Press Release_2020 Endorsement Processnnounced)
October 14 Final Round of Endorsements (Seats to be announced)
In addition, all candidates who would like to participate in the endorsement and their names be put in the endorsement ballot must complete the endorsement questionnaire. The endorsement questionnaire will be emailed to all the candidates who attend the forum, and will be available on our website at least 60 days before the endorsement vote.
For more information on the Dolphin’s endorsement process please contact Alfredo Olvera at [email protected] or Zachary Durand at [email protected]