This has truly been a sad week for our Democracy. There have been continuous attacks from the GOP across the country and in Florida, our home. After several packed days:
HB 1557 (Don’t Say “Gay” or “Trans” Bill) or “Parental Rights in Education” The Republican-backed bill, which would restrict teachers and school districts from openly discussing gender identity and topics surrounding sexuality in the classroom passed the House on Thursday in a 69-47 vote. This bill now moves to the Senate, where a similar piece of legislation is already being debated (SB 1834).
HB 7 (Stop W.O.K.E. Act) was rushed through both second and third committee readings this week and passed yesterday with a 74-41 vote (and yes, Chip LaMarca voted in favor). If signed into law, the bill would limit protected speech in workplaces with more than fifteen employees and classrooms by censoring honest dialogue about systemic racism, gender, and race discrimination. It would also change Florida’s employment discrimination statutes to give employees the ability to file discrimination claims against an employer engaging in trainings or discussions about Black history, LGBTQ+ issues, and other concepts of injustice and discrimination. its Senate companion, SB 148, is expected to be rushed also in the upcoming weeks.
SB 524, the Governor’s effort to extend voter suppression beyond last year’s SB 90, was amended to include protections against voter fraud after recent allegations of Miami-Dade Democratic Residents having their party statuses changed to Republican by Republican-led organizations misleading the public. The amended bill passed the Appropriations Committee with a 12-8 vote. Its companion, HB 7061, still waits for its hearing in its ONLY Appropriations Committee, but will most likely include such protections before its hearing.
All the bills that we supported in our Legislative Slate did not make the deadline to be scheduled for first committee hearings, and are ‘dead for the session’. But remember, the fight continues beyond a vote. It is the work that we continue to do in protecting our Democracy that allows us to implement change.
We encourage each of you to reach out to your local and state representatives, who voted in favor of these dangerous bills, and hold them accountable.
“Let’s not deny the impact that we have had and agree also that there is a whole lot more work to be done. And it is not easy to do, and we will not give up’’ ~ Madam Vice President Kamala Harris
Anthony Ginsberg & Matthew Eaton
Co-Chairs – Legislative Committee