The Dolphin Democrats will be holding a Board of Directors election at the Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 7:00pm
Seats Up For Election (2 year term):
Executive Officers (Current officers are termed-out):
- President & Vice-President (Must run as a ticket)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
3 Directors
Who Can Run For Office?
Any registered Democrat living in Broward County who has renewed or joined the Dolphin Dems as a voting member no later than December 30, 2022
How Can I Participate?
Please email our Nominating Committee: Adrianna Tender, Mark McKenzie & Jose Cedeno at [email protected] to submit your nomination. Please attach a brief bio with a headshot photo.
Any qualified member interested in running for any of the open seats and would like to be on the ballot, must submit their nomination no later than Friday, January 27, 2023. Floor nominations (write-ins) will be accepted from the floor the day of the meeting.
– Shall preside at all meetings of the organization and Board of Directors.
– Shall be a member ex officio of all committees (except the Nominating and Elections Committee and the Audit Committee).
– Shall appoint the Chairs and members of all standing and special committees (except as provided in these bylaws).
– The President, or the President’s designee from among the Board members, shall represent the organization at county, district, state, and national meetings and functions and shall act as spokesperson for the organization.
– The President shall serve as chief executive and administrative officer and shall provide guidance to the committee Chairs.
– The Vice President shall assist the President in the discharge of the President’s duties and shall assume that office in the absence, or inability to serve, of the President.
– The Vice President shall serve as Co-chair of the Strategic Planning Committee.
– Is the recording officer of the Board and general membership meetings and is custodian of all records of the organization like the minutes of all meetings, committee reports, the official membership roll, lists of committees and their members, bylaws, special rules of order, and standing rules.
– Shall issue the call of meetings, prepare an order of business for the presiding officer, and in the absence of the President or Vice President shall call a meeting to order, until a Chair pro temp is elected.
– Shall be the custodian of all funds of the organization
– Shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures
– Shall present a statement of all income, expenditures, accounts payable, and income receivable, in a format acceptable to the Board, at each meeting, occurring since the previous meeting
– Shall make such interim reports as directed by the Board or organization, and shall prepare and present an annual statement of expenses and receipts.
– Shall present a written summary financial report, including cash balance on hand less outstanding obligations, at each regular general membership meeting, and shall have the detail available for member review.
– The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee.
– Directors shall provide top level oversight and strategic direction to the organization. They also serve to advise and consult with the President.
– Every member of the Board of Directors shall actively serve on a committee.
To renew or join please follow this LINK
Join the Board of Directors and help us make a difference in our community!